Showing: 21 - 30 of 49 RESULTS

Ideation: The Secret to Discovering Your Best Product

The success of your venture is hinged on formulating the best possible solution for your customer needs. And one of the major steps, this process involves, is to look at all the possible solutions and then find the perfect one. Ideation using Design Thinking makes it easier for you to get close to that ideal solution. Ideation is …

5 Ways Artificial Intelligence Can Save Retail

Retail is being disrupted. Amazon is leading the charge. Still, a massive offline market still exists. Industry experts compare Artificial Intelligence to industries as Mitochondria to a cell. They believe that AI will be the powerhouse of every sphere of our life. Artificial Intelligence with robotics does sound scary, though. The horrifying future portrayed by …

Best Programming Language for App Development

If you type in this term for search, you will many sites talking about top 5 or top 10 best programming languages. In my opinion, such listing down of languages and frameworks doesn’t serve end user any good. As in a broader scene, there isn’t one language that addresses all the potential scenarios. Also, how …

Growth Hacking Your Product for Your Ideal Customers

If you are interested in growth hacking your product and finding your ideal customers, then this article will act as a beginners guide. What is Growth Hacking? Let’s begin with defining what Growth Hacking is and what it can do for you. Essentially all Growth Hacking tactics are data driven and are a form of low-cost …